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014 - The 5 Roadblocks To Online Sales

These are the main reasons people aren't enrolling in your offers.

At the core, the reason people don't enroll into your online offers is because you're missing the heart of the people.

In fact, many times, we're SO consumed by our MESSAGE that it's become an idol.

Almost like our identity is tied to it.

Therefore, everything we create tends to miss the people we're called to serve.

So, before I share the five roadblocks, let's set the foundation.

At the foundation, there are a specific people that YOU are called to serve.

Therefore, your goal should be to FIND out what they need and create the best thing you can to SERVE those people.

FORGET about your message for a bit.

As in, don't make it the main thing.


This means you sit with them and get to know them.

Then, you create messaging, offers, and customer journeys that are based on where they are actually at in life.

Jesus came to the Jews, specifically. Everything He did was FOR them to understand and get.

He understood them. He spoke to them.

You want to do the same.

Now, let's dig into the five roadblocks that keep us from making the IMPACT with the message & experience we've been given.


It's hard to be a guide that can lead people into breakthrough, if you don't believe in God's ability to work through you as a guide.

Our identity is core.

We have to believe WHO God says we are.

We have to OWN the message and the calling we have on our lives.

Otherwise, we'll find ourselves doing the following:

  • Second guessing and overthinking everything - this makes us hop from project to project instead of staying constant.
  • Having a hard time focusing - where we get distracted constantly, procrastinating on what we should do.
  • Letting impostor syndrome rule us - therefore we don't show up as powerfully as we could.

So, how do we overcome these things?

We overcome by realizing the truth that "where we are weak, He (Jesus) is strong". Therefore, we are strong.

We get to TRUST Christ in us to work through us.

Therefore, we stay focused on ONE thing and show up POWERFULLY in that thing.

That's the first roadblock we MUST overcome.


One of the biggest reasons some things sell like hotcakes while others struggle - even when their process is incredible - has to do with clarity.

You see many offers people try to create are "feel good" offers.

They promise things that are undefined good ideas.

Like "improve your business", "live the life of your dreams", "become your best self", etc.

They aren't tangible.

Therefore, NOBODY pays attention.

Instead, you must GET SUPER CLEAR on the real problem you solve and the defined result you're leading people into.

For example, if I told you I'm going to help you "become an action taker" (undefined good idea), you aren't going to be interested.

However, if I told you that I'm going to help you "lose 20 pounds and enjoy your life again", that's real.

It's tangible.

And I'm helping you take control of your life and "become an action taker".

Because becoming fit is usually the start to taking more action in life.

That's one of the biggest issues people have.

You need to stop trying to offer undefined good ideas and start offering REAL tangible results for REAL tangible problems.

When you do, enrolling people in your offers will become WAY easier.


The third reason why things don't sell is because of how you PRESENT your promise and solution to the marketplace.

Simply put, if you sound the same as everyone else, nobody will pay attention.

And if your messaging doesn't connect with people's REAL pains and life experiences (making it emotional), they also won't pay much attention.

This is why it's very important to be aware of the pulse of your marketplace.

What is everyone talking about?

How are they saying it?

If you're in the weight loss industry and everyone is talking about Keto (or some other fad diet), then you want to share something DIFFERENT.

In fact, in your messaging, you should CALL OUT the fads and position your solution against it.

Therefore, it'll stand out and people will WANT TO KNOW MORE.

Again, this is exactly how Jesus did it.

He introduced a NEW message to the marketplace (the Jews).

That message, at the core, was "the Kingdom of heaven is at hand" (available for those that want it).

He also called "God His Father", which was something new as well.

Then, he went around DEMONSTRATING the goodness of His message and EDUCATING people on how to access this Kingdom realm.

In his messaging, He called out the WAYS of the Pharisees and pointed to something better.

You want to do the same...

  1. Find a unique way to present your solution & message (so it's new), like "Kingdom of heaven is at hand".
  2. Find ways to Demonstrate the goodness of your message (aka help people get results BEFORE they buy).
  3. Educate people on how to make the most of your message using parables, analogies, and metaphors so people see things in a new light.
  4. Call out the bad practices in the marketplace that are keeping people stuck in the old system where they don't get their desired results.


Your messaging and your process may be unique and good, but if the offer (the packaging) of your solution has holes, people will talk themselves out of buying.

At the core, a good offer has the training, tools, and support elements that people need to be successful.

However, most offers fall short because they're "LAZY".

They don't stand out from other offers. Therefore, people don't have a reason to buy.

Now, if you are REALLY good at helping people experience a result before they buy, they will buy because of trust.

But, we should desire to make the BEST offer available.

We do this by going the extra mile and actually thinking through our offer stack (all deliverables included with it).

For example, let's say your offer is a weight loss offer.

When, you break down your process for helping people lose weight, you might identify that they'll need to a) eat better, b) sleep better, c) exercise effectively.

Then, you'll break down the action steps they need to take for each part.

For example, to eat better, one of the action steps you might identify is to go shopping on a weekly basis.

Now, you ask the question, "What's going to keep them from taking this action?"

And, "How can I make it as easy as possible for them to take this action?"

And you'll realize, some hate to shop, they don't know what to buy, and they don't know how much to buy.

So, to make it easier, you might create a database of healthy recipes for them to select.

And then the database will spit out exactly what they need to buy for the selected recipes. Then, to make it even better, you could have it create their Instacart order with one click making it even easier for them.

This, helps them make shopping and cooking for themselves SO MUCH EASIER.

By creating this and adding it to your offer, you'll have something NOBODY else has.

Therefore, your offer becomes MORE APPETIZING.

You'll sell WAY more because it has deliverables others weren't willing to create.


One of the biggest issues I've seen with people is where they'll price their offer in a way that is ONLY a win for the customer, not themselves.

I fell into this trap for a long time.

There were times where I made deals where I got paid LESS than minimum wage with my own business.

I was working myself to the bone with nothing to show for it.

And, as you can imagine, I ended up going broke really quick.

In fact, I had to get a job for a year because I didn't create a "WIN-WIN" scenario for myself.

So, for your pricing, you want to create something that is VERY appetizing for your audience (where risk of investment is low), and also very appetizing for yourself.

One way I've done this that was a WIN-WIN was to have:

  1. An upfront fee that covered myself if they didn't hold up their end of the deal.
  2. A guarantee that said if they keep their end of the deal and we don't get a specific result in a specific time, that I'll work for free (up to 3 months) until we get the result. This lowered risk for them.
  3. A backend fee tied to percentage of profit I helped them get.
With the right clients (that I was very careful to choose), this was a super profitable offer.

These kind of offers felt easy for the client to start and since I helped them make a good profit, it was also super profitable for myself.

For example, one client paid me over $9k for about 10 hours of work.

If I had quoted them at that price to start, they would have NEVER agreed to it.

But, since my upfront fee was easy for them, they did agree.

That's the key to making a WIN-WIN for yourself and your clients with your pricing & your delivery process.

Do it right and the decision to invest is easy for the right client while the backend also being super profitable for you.

Play around with this to create an effective WIN-WIN situation.


If we really want to create real transformation and impact in people's lives with our message, we can't cut corners to make it happen.

Instead, we should:

  1. Own our identity as Kings & Queens in the Kingdom so we can show up as the guides people are looking for.
  2. Be moved by compassion for the people we serve so we can solve their REAL problems and not just offer undefined good ideas.
  3. Take time to develop a message that connects with people and is something unique for them.
  4. Create an offer stack (all deliverables) that goes the extra mile in ensuring transformation in those we serve.
  5. Have pricing & delivery that is a WIN for the customer & a WIN for you.

Here's your action step for today.

Go through the list in this email and ask God where you're out of alignment. Then, seek out how to improve it.

If you need help with any of them, schedule a Gameplan call with me here.


AUTHOR: Justen Miller

Have you ever expressed yourself in a way where the people around you came alive in some way? That's what moves my life. I love seeing people come alive while giving them a simpler, more joyful perspective on life and business. That's what this newsletter is all about.

Thanks for reading!

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