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018 - The Illusion of Being "Right"

How to miss out on the life & business that God has for you.

In 2013 God told me to read the Bible without any preconceived ideas.

I had to "let go" of what I was convinced was "right" so that I could take hold of what was really "true".

Needless to say, reading the Bible with an open mind that was submitted to the Holy Spirit, wasn't necessarily easy.

But, it changed my life.

I started to see things in ways I had never seen before.

The words became alive.

And things I had thought I knew were revealed as being "wrong".

You see, life isn't about being "right" or "wrong".

It's about the heart.

About Love.

A couple years ago, when I learning to walk in the gift of prophecy, I thought I had a word for a waitress at a restaurant.

I gave the word, and asked if it meant anything.

But, it was "wrong".

However, I didn't care whether I had gotten it "right" or not.

I only wanted to show the waitress that she was loved.

So, I asked if I could pray for her. She obliged.

When I prayed, she started to tear up.

You see, if I was so convinced of my "rightness" and had my identity (and ego) wrapped up in being "right", I would have never continued to pray.

I would have felt less than. That I was missing out and not enough.

But, love was ruling me. Not being "right".

This is the whole point of this post.

Being right (or wrong) is an illusion.

It's a religion of self.

Where our identity is tied up to our own "rightness". And in the process, if something comes against us, we deem it an attack of the "enemy".

Or we lash out and make the "other" person the bad guy.

You see this in politics. The Right and the Left.

Both have their identities so FIRMLY in being "right" that they can't even see the other as human.

However, if we want to live by the Spirit, we must set aside our need to be "right" SO THAT the Spirit can actually lead us into all truth.

Let's look at this practically from the standpoint of business.

Many of us put our identities and ego into our business.

It's "OURS".

There are usually TWO ditches to this...


When we make decisions and "force" things to happen as we deem is "right", we tend to hold on to it even when it was done "wrongly".

We're not willing to learn from others.

We're not willing to let others do some of the work.

Because it HAS to be "right". And WE'RE the only ones that know what is "right".

This will completely limit your business. It will be limited by your ability.

And, the Holy Spirit won't be able to guide you in it.

I've done this way too much.

I've built things because of the opportunity and "this is the way it needs to be" (out of ego).

In the process, I shut off the voice of the Spirit because I was "right".

Later, I would come to my senses, and instead of holding to my guns, I surrendered it to the Spirit.

As I did, He brought right thinking to me.

And, I'd realize where I went "wrong" and what I needed to change.

So, humbly, I'd own up to my mistake and change things.

When I did, things would start working BETTER than anything I could do myself.


This is where our need to be "right" keeps us from taking any action.

We're afraid to take action because it could prove us to be "wrong". And what will people think if we are "wrong"?

Our ego (combined with the fear of failure) keeps us from taking the promised land that God has for us.

Then, we tend to blame GOD for our "misfortunes".

"Why does it work for others, but not for me?", we wonder.

Well, my friend.

It may be because of our determination to be "right" and to APPEAR "right" to those around us that is keeping us stuck.

This has also been my story way too often.

My ego, wrapped up with the fear of failure (and of success), kept me from moving forward.

So, I stayed in one place. Frozen.

Waiting for "my ship to come in".

I had to let go of my fears and my ego and take hold of compassion. Then, humbly trust the Spirit to lead me.

Then, I learned to take action.

Knowing that it didn't matter if I messed up or not. That, in my mistakes I can learn. And when I learn, I'll be able to create something even more beautiful.

Some of you reading this simply need to start moving forward... Trusting that God will direct your path.

The Center Of The Road:

We looked at the ditches.

Now, how can we move toward the center of the road and avoid the ditches?

In a lot of ways, this is a "shortcut".

It's where you give up your need to be right and your fear of being wrong and simply put your full trust in the Spirit.

As you do, you'll find yourself learning and growing in leaps and bounds.

And, just maybe, you'll find yourself experiencing the "suddenlies" of God.

This is where you seemingly become an overnight success.

Suddenly, you find yourself in your promised land.

Because you gave up yourSELF and surrendered to the Spirit.

Practically, here's how:

1. Become teachable by letting go of your need to be "right" and be curious instead.

2. Let the Holy Spirit teach you all things by submitting everything you hear and see. We do this through conversation, asking the Holy Spirit what He has for us in this.

3. Stay in a place of humility, tuning into the flow of the Spirit. Learn to be moved by compassion. Learn to hear His voice. Learn to listen to His heart.


Our need to be "right" and fear of being "wrong" (the ego) will control us and keep us from all that God has.

On one hand, we'll find ourselves forcing things instead of "co-laboring" with the Spirit. Therefore, being out of alignment, which causes all kinds of issues.

On the other hand, we'll find ourselves frozen in place, not taking action because of the fear of being "wrong" or failing. By not moving forward we keep God from being able to help us.

Both of these will keep us from true success that flows from the Spirit of God.

Which ditch have you found yourself in?

Are you willing to let go of yourSELF and trust the Spirit to move you forward?


AUTHOR: Justen Miller

Have you ever expressed yourself in a way where the people around you came alive in some way? That's what moves my life. I love seeing people come alive while giving them a simpler, more joyful perspective on life and business. That's what this newsletter is all about.

Thanks for reading!

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