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016 - Hard Work Won't Make You More 

Follow this simple process to work less while making more (if you want to).

There are people that work 1-2 hours per day and make WAY more than those that work 12 hours per day.

How is this possible?

Because hard work doesn't mean you'll make more revenue.

Instead, it's FOCUSED & LEVERAGED work that will make you the MOST revenue.

You see, a TRAP that many of us fall into is the distraction trap.

This is where you start ONE thing, then start something else BEFORE that one thing is running efficiently.

OR, we start one thing, then stop it and start something else entirely.

Just yesterday I had a conversation with a lady who had started multiple different businesses.

And none of them were producing great revenue.

The reason for this is because her time was split between all of her projects.

None of them was getting the love it needed to truly succeed.

It's like a computer that is running a 100 different tasks at one time. You get the spinning wheel of death because it can't keep up.

Your mind is similar to a computer.

A lot of projects and tasks will overload it, keeping it from being as effective and efficient as it could be.

The result? Lots of hours with seemingly little to show for it.

However, if we ONLY do one project at a time, our minds are efficient and the work we do is way more effective.

Clear FOCUSED work will produce the greatest harvest.

So, how do we fix it?

#1 - Pick One Project

If you have multiple things going on, do an assessment of each and choose one of them to focus on.

Let go of the others as much as possible. And don't let someone talk you into doing something NEW.

You can come back to them later if you choose to.

#2 - Get Super Clear

Once you have one specific project/business picked out, get super clear on WHERE you want to take it.

How many clients?

How much revenue?

In how much time?

#3 - Keep it Stupid Simple

Most of us over complicate everything in the beginning.

Instead, we should only focus on its simplest form for now.

One customer avatar.

One offer.

One sales process.

One traffic source.

That's it.

Don't do anything more.

#4 - Systemize The Process

After you've validated your offer and proven that your process works, it's time to systemize it.

As you do, you'll find ways to do things more efficiently without losing the effectiveness of the thing.

This allows you to outsource different elements and only FOCUS on the most important parts of the process yourself.

Now, your work is not only focused, it's LEVERAGED as well.

More gets done with less input from you.

#5 - Build Excellence

As you really start focusing in on the things that MATTER, you'll start to become so good at it that nobody can really compete with you.

This will make your sales easier (since you have an excellent product) and it will take you way less time to fulfill on it.

In fact, if you want to, you can now get others to run it while you build your other businesses.

Or you might find that you enjoy this ONE business and only do that.

It's up to you.


When we simplify our focus instead of falling into the distraction trap, we'll be able to create something of true value.

And, once that thing is optimized, it's possible to only "work" a couple of hours each day and make way more.

Do you think it's beneficial to find that ONE thing and direct your focus toward it?

When will you start to do that for yourself?

But, that won't happen without a good system to start with.

That's where I come in.

If you want help strategizing a marketing & sales system that can run without you having to work endless hours, schedule a Gameplan call with me here.


AUTHOR: Justen Miller

Have you ever expressed yourself in a way where the people around you came alive in some way? That's what moves my life. I love seeing people come alive while giving them a simpler, more joyful perspective on life and business. That's what this newsletter is all about.

Thanks for reading!

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