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027 - Stop Forcing Your Business If You Want God's Blessings!

Why forcing your business is keeping you broke, anxious, and depressed.

God is the most powerful being in the universe.

Yet, somehow we think that we can do better when it comes to our own businesses.

We hustle and work our way to an early grave. Trying to FORCE everything to happen as WE want it to.

And in so doing, we actually SHUT OFF God's blessings over our lives.

Our reward is our own. It's a reward that is empty and shallow.

Leaving us in a WORSE state than we were before we did anything.

Stressed. Burned out. Anxious. Depressed.

What if there is a better way?

Instead of forcing everything, what if there is a way to flow in God's blessings?

What if we could "accidentally" become the most powerful versions of ourselves without trying?

Well, let's think about it.

Take the man Jesus Christ.

He didn't start his ministry until He was 30.

In our minds, if we would put ourselves in His shoes, we'd think He should have started YEARS earlier.

I mean, what if he started at 20?!

He'd have had an extra TEN years to make an even bigger dent in the world.

However, He didn't.


Because, if He would have started at 20, He would have been out of His Father's flow.

You see, we think everything needs to be done NOW.

We need to BUILD this business now.

We need to be SUCCESSFUL now.

But, God's grace is... slow.

It doesn't force things.

It flows from a place of deep love.

Again, take a look at Jesus and how He actually started His ministry.

He was at a wedding with His disciples.

The wedding runs out of wine.

Jesus' mom looks at Him and asks if He'll fix the problem (knowing that He could).

But, Jesus quickly turns it down. "It's not my time He says."

Because He wasn't going to FORCE His destiny to happen.

Instead, He moved with the pace of God's love.

He only did and said what He saw the Father do and say.

So, He didn't need to force things.

He knew, that in due time, the Father would bring things about.

And that's exactly what the Father did, through Jesus' mom.

His mom didn't listen to Jesus and simply told the servants to do what Jesus tells them to do.

Moved by compassion, in a state of love, Jesus tells the servant to fill these giant water jugs with water. They do, and it's turned into wine.

From that, because of the miracle, EVERYONE talked.

And, people started following Jesus everywhere He went. If He could turn water into wine, what else could He do?

You see, when we're tied into God's heart of love, and we focus on simply following the lead of the Spirit, we'll accidentally step into our destinies.

We'll build businesses that take off like Jesus' earthly ministry.

Without trying.

Without forcing.

Simply by showing up in LOVE, aware of what the Spirit is doing.

This is the difference between flow and force.

Forcing steps ahead of what God is doing, trying to make things happen.

Out of that you'll birth an Ishmael, which will cause nothing but trouble.

Flowing with the Spirit will move at the pace of compassion, birthing Isaac, God's promise.

If you want God's promises to overtake your life, you'll have to stop forcing things.

This especially works in business.

Let's break this down and make it practical for ourselves.

Here's how to start flowing in business - instead of forcing everything:

1 - Get clear on God's promise.

Many of us live by the dreams that the WORLD told us we need, instead of God's dream for us.

Because, it never originated from God's heart for you, no matter what you do, you'll be stuck forcing things to happen.

Therefore, it's VERY important to seek out God's promises over your life.

What does He dream for you to have?

Before Abraham could have an Isaac, He needed to know about the PROMISE of a son.

So, what is God's promise for you?

What does He long to give you in business?

Seek Him out. Dream with Him. See His desires (all of which are good) over your life.

Practically, for me, I had a vision where I saw myself speaking on a stage in front of 1000s of people.

With that, I've had countless prophetic words about business & being a millionaire.

I believe that it was the same for Jesus. He KNEW what was going to happen. He KNEW His Father's plan for Him as a man.

He found it by spending time with His Father.

You will get it in the same way.

2 - Carry God's word in your heart. 

After we know God's promises over our lives & written it down, we must carry the promise in our hearts.

We MUST believe what God says. To take Him at His word.

Ultimately, this will produce FAITH within you as you meditate on the word and hold it in your heart.

Many people hear a word from God, a promise for their lives, but they don't hold it in their hearts.

So, when the opportunity for the word comes up, they aren't prepared for it.

Therefore, they miss that opportunity.

Just like the Israelites when God first told them to take the promised land. But, because faith was not built within them, they chose NOT to take the land.

They missed the first opportunity.

Then, they tried to force it and they lost the battle because God's word wasn't with them.

Don't make the same mistake.

Yet, don't worry if you have made the mistake previously in your life.

Even though Israel missed it that time, God's promise never left.

They had to go through the wilderness where the fears where all killed off until they could take hold of the promise.

I've done this multiple times in my life.

But, I KNOW that God will bring it around again and when He does, I'll be ready.

Because, right now, I'm holding the words near and dear to my heart.

I'm letting faith rise up for the word, while letting go of the fear that made me miss the opportunity previously.

3 - Build an awareness of the Spirit.

Jesus only did and said what He SAW His Father do and say.

This is only possible through complete awareness of what the Spirit of God is doing.

Only in awareness, can we SEE.

This is the biggest key to moving from force into flow.

Yet, right now, in today's world, there are MORE distractions than ever before.

So, we live in a state of unawareness.

A medicated state.

We use entertainment (I'm looking at you Tiktok) to give us hits of dopamine that keep us unconscious about what's really going on.

We don't know how to sit in silence.

We don't know how to meditate.

All we do is medicate.

So, our awareness of the Spirit of God is stunted.

We have NO idea what He's doing or what He's saying.

Even worse, we don't really KNOW God at all.

We don't know His heart for His people.

Therefore, we have no other option but to FORCE things to happen in our lives.

But, if we start practicing awareness, He is always there waiting.

And, if we are consistent in it, we will start flowing by the Spirit. We'll always see where He is moving and what He is saying.

Start being silent. Start focusing. Increase your awareness.

4 - Be Moved By Compassion

At the core, God IS LOVE.

So, as we grow in awareness of the Spirit, we'll start to be MOVED by compassion.

This is the same compassion that Jesus was moved by that caused miracles to happen.

Everywhere He went, He didn't FORCE ministry to happen.

Instead, He let His Father's compassion for the people move Him.

He wanted to see them set free.

He longed for them to experience wholeness.

This moved Him to serve the people.

Simply put, when we're moved by compassion, nothing we do in our lives and businesses will need to be forced.

It will all be an overflow.

A deep desire to serve the people in front of you. A desire that moves you.

Take for example, a story I heard of a local guy that I'll name Steve.

Steve hated to mow the lawn.

But, then he got a girlfriend.

And, when his girlfriend needed to mow the lawn, guess what Steve did.

He went and mowed the lawn for her.

Love moved him to action. He didn't need to force it. He did it out of love and mowing the lawn for her was something he enjoyed to do.

In the same way, when we are moved by compassion for the people we serve, then we'll never have to force things to happen.

And, we'll naturally, almost accidentally, step into God's promises over our lives.


Here's the deal.

You weren't meant to force things. That's why it stresses you out. It's why you feel slightly depressed.

And, the good news is, you don't have to.


  1. Get clear on God's promise for you in business (and life)
  2. Hold those promises near to your heart - so faith is built
  3. Build an awareness of the Spirit of God
  4. Be moved by compassion in all things

When you do, you'll notice that you don't need to force anything.

And just like Jesus' ministry took off, so will your business.

It'll come with ease as you stay in that state of awareness and compassion.

Take some time today and seek God's promises for your business. Then, seek His compassion.

And watch what He'll do in your business.


AUTHOR: Justen Miller

Have you ever expressed yourself in a way where the people around you came alive in some way? That's what moves my life. I love seeing people come alive while giving them a simpler, more joyful perspective on life and business. That's what this newsletter is all about.

Thanks for reading!

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