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025 - Create Profound Content (That People Engage With)

Stand out by creating deep content that stops the 'mindless scroll'.

"This is the most profound message I've ever heard!"

That was what one man stood up and said after a sermon I gave last Sunday.

However, here's the thing.

The message by itself wasn't that "profound".

It was simple.

An invitation to explore the Kingdom of God freely.

So, why did the people who heard it FEEL like it was profound?

You see, profound content doesn't come only from WHAT you share.

It comes from HOW you share it.

Most people share content from a very surface level perspective.

It's content that is re-hashed content that AI could create.

This leaves people feeling more or less bored.

It doesn't hold attention for long... and if it does, it's a mindless attention that carries no real weight.

People leave the content feeling more empty than they did before.

This is why you have the MINDLESS SCROLL.

A cesspit where content goes to essentially die.

So, we must STAND OUT.

We must create something DEEPER.

Something better.

Something PROFOUND.

Content that leaves people feeling energized. Like the foundation of their lives were somehow shifted.

Content that stops them in their tracks. Makes them pause and think, even if just for a moment.

That's what we're after.

Profound content that STOPS the MINDLESS SCROLL.

So, how do we did it?

At the core, it comes down to this simple truth...

Profound content comes from true authenticity.

Let me explain using science (& then show how you can do it).

A couple years ago, there was a study done where scientists measured the vibrational frequencies of different emotions.

At the top were, with no surprise, the frequencies of love and gratitude.

But, even above them, was another frequency that was 400x higher.

What was it?

The frequency of AUTHENTICITY.

It is the highest measurable frequency that can come from humanity.

In simple terms, when you speak from AUTHENTICITY, you give off a VIBE that cuts to the heart of those listening.

It's why people in the Bible were astonished when Jesus spoke, because He spoke as one with AUTHORITY.

This authority came from how authentic Jesus was to Himself.

The words He spoke were an OVERFLOW from what was going on inside of Him.

He was fully convinced in what He was sharing... and He shared what He did with no hidden agenda.

He had no need to impress people or be proven "right".

Instead, what He shared was a simple overflow of WHO He really was and WHAT He really believed.

It was authentic.

You see, this is also the reason my message FELT profound.

I was simply speaking from the depth of my heart.

Here's how you can also create profound content:

1 - Become Authentically You

Most people are a product of their environment.

They are a copy of what culture tells them to be.

You can't expect to create profound content, if you're stuck in the same loops others are stuck in.

This means, you have to let go of the control and preconceived ideas that the people around you have "forced" on you.

It's the first step to actually create profound content.

You have to find WHO you are created to be, and OWN IT!

No questions.

Simple acceptance of who God created you to be - a divine being infused with His glory... with specific desires, dreams, and skills.

Uniquely you.

That isn't a copy.

That is your first step.

It won't be easy, and you may never fully "get there", but that's kind of the point.

We get to explore who God created us to be and show up content and happy to be WHO we are.

Spend time with God, and He'll help you let go of the things you aren't so you can grab hold of the things you are.

2 - KNOW The Content

You see, before content can grip the hearts of others, it must first grip your own heart.

You must intimately know it.

Simply for the sake of knowing.

Not for the sake of teaching it to others.

This is where you become curious and dig into a topic to truly understand the TRUTH of it, not to try and confirm your existing bias.

I had to LET go of my NEED to be right, so I could truly dig into a topic and see the simple truth of it.

Then, it was simply a journey of curiosity to try and understand the depth of the thing.

I would meditate on it.

I would think of examples of it.

I'd try to prove my idea wrong.

Simply to get to the truth.

As I let the Holy Spirit lead me through it, I started SEEING things differently.

It became PROFOUND personally.

That's the key.

3 - Create With Empathy

Once you deeply KNOW the content, then your goal is to share it in a way that others can grab hold of the same keys you found in it.

We do this by writing with empathy.

This is where you FEEL what others are feeling and thinking as you create it.

For me, I like to write.

I'll put myself in a state where I can feel the questions that come and the emotions people are feeling as I write.

Then, I simply write to those emotions and questions.

All while guiding people through the keys of the content.

Again, this is why people FELT like my message was profound.

It spoke to their hearts - to those that were truly listening.

It shifted their thinking.

It made it simple to grasp.

Because I was speaking to them with empathy.

Do the same, and your content will feel personal for every person that actually hears it.

NOTE: Some people won't listen OR they'll listen from their own pains, which can keep them from fully hearing. Don't let that bug you.

4 - Practice

Finally, as cliche as it is, keep creating content consistently.

The issue is, I've seen many people create consistent content that didn't gain any traction.

I'll tell you why.

It wasn't profound.

It was re-hashed, vanilla content that will be replaced with AI.

Then, they wondered why it wasn't working.

Instead of that mentality, we want to stay in a place of compassion and curiosity.

This is where we learn from every content piece we publish.

We'll see if people "got it" or not.

Sometimes, because we know the content well, we'll speak over people's heads, where they simply can't grasp it.

Other times, we won't set up the content well (connecting with where people are really at and what they really want) and therefore people don't get past the first part.

But, as we continue to create with empathy and improve our writing, our content will become great.

People will talk about it.

They'll share it.

They'll say how profound it was for them.

But, it takes practice.

The key is practicing well. Learning from things that don't work, and making it a bit better the next time you do it.


The most profound content you'll create will:

1. Be authentically yours (you KNOW it and it comes from your heart)

2. Connect fully with where you audience is at (so it can grip their hearts as well)

Do this to stand out from the crowd.

To stop the mindless scroll.

And to give people something deeper to think on.

An example of this is a video I posted on Youtube in 2016 that talked about the topic of surrendering to God.

About 2 years after I released it, someone took the time to find my email and sent me a message telling me how much the video changed their life.

All because I chose to create an authentic piece of content and post it.

Now, it's your invitation to do the same.

Go create content.

And change lives.


AUTHOR: Justen Miller

Have you ever expressed yourself in a way where the people around you came alive in some way? That's what moves my life. I love seeing people come alive while giving them a simpler, more joyful perspective on life and business. That's what this newsletter is all about.

Thanks for reading!

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