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020 - What To Do When Nobody Buys

Creating a good digital product doesn't mean people will buy. 

The other day, I had a conversation that I have WAY too often.

Someone who had an incredible skill set was having a hard time making their online course sell.

As far as courses go, his was incredible.

The content was solid.

It helped people develop a specific skill.

And it was overall helpful.

Why was this?

After seeing his sales page, I knew right away.

The problem wasn't in the subject matter or the course. It was in the way he presented the course to his audience.

His POSITIONING in the marketplace.

You see, he was selling a course on creating AI Art to those that want to "reignite their creative passion".

The problem?

This wasn't enough of a pain.

Take me, for instance.

When I was younger I used to draw pictures all of the time. I was fairly decent at it.

However, I haven't done anything really artistic in a long time.

I was the right person he was targeting. Yet, it didn't do anything for me.

For a couple reasons.

1 - The pain of not being as creative wasn't deep enough.

2 - I don't believe AI Art will help me be creative.

Instead of getting me to buy, it repelled me.

Chances are, if your course (or other advice based offer) isn't selling, it's probably based on a similar reason.

Here's how we changed the AI Art positioning (& how you can do the same).

1 - Identify who all would benefit

When I asked him the question of who else would benefit from learning AI Art, we started getting some ideas.

One audience we identified were entrepreneurs. They could create AI Art for their websites, their branding, and different presentations they create.

Another audience that would benefit are graphic designers. They could use AI Art in their work to create better graphics.

For you, take time to think through all the different audiences that would benefit from what your course teaches.

It might be a specific age group.

It might be people in specific occupations.

It might be specific communities of people.

2 - Identify who it would help the most

Ultimately, you must choose one.

Yes, your course could help ALL of the people. However, targeting everyone will keep anyone from buying.

Take Dove soap, for instance. Their soap can help anyone get clean, BUT the core of their marketing is focused on selling their soap as a beauty product for women.

Because of that, they're successful.

You must do the same.

Think through...

Who has the most painful & immediate problem?

Who has the most to gain through your advice?

Who is most willing to pay good money for a solution?

Who do you enjoy working with the most?

Choose your audience.

For the AI Art content, we chose the entrepreneurs who need good imaging for their brand.

3 - Create New Positioning

After you know the people, you must hone in on how you'll present your offer to these people.

An easy way to do this by identify the following:

Problem - what are the main problems your content solves for your audience?

Culprit - what has kept your audience stuck in these problems? This is what we'll position ourselves against in the marketplace.

Solution - how will we present what we teach as the solution that takes care of the culprit and solves the problem?

For the AI Art content that targets entrepreneurs:

Problem - finding good images that represent their brand.

Culprit - Stock photos that aren't created with their brand in mind.

Solution - Master AI Art in 2 hours so you can create the perfect image for your website, your branding, and your presentations every time.

Do you see how clear this is for people?

Your message needs to be just as simple and just as clear.

4 - Create Your Belief Statement

Now, all that is left to do is to share your message to your audience.

Your goal is simply to get them to believe that the solution you teach is actually the best thing for them.

You can do this by creating an Internal Belief Statement that all of your marketing will be based on.

This is a statement you create for yourself to remind you of what you're building.

The template:

"If I can get {ideal audience} to believe that {your new opportunity solution} is/are the ONLY/BEST way to {result they want} without {thing they hate} then they'll be able to step into their future state with more ease."

AI Art Example:

"If I can get online entrepreneurs to believe that mastering AI Art is the BEST way to get the images they need for their business without searching stock photos for hours then they'll be able to step into their future state with more ease."

Now, all that your marketing message & sales process should do is help create this belief.

Create your own.

Don't overthink.

It took me less than a minute to create the AI Art example above.

The key is to get it done.

5 - Test & Optimize as needed

Finally, after you have revived the positioning for your course, you simply need to test it out.

Change your sales process and start writing about your solution daily.

Educate people on how it works.

Demonstrate that it works for them.

Invite them to go deeper.

As you do, with a heart to learn from your audience, your messaging & positioning will mature over time.

The key is to get it done and get it tested.


By simply presenting your existing offer in a new way, you could turn something that nobody buys into a bestseller.

Take time to think through the things in this article, then send me an email with the following for a quick review:

Who: [insert your audience]

Problem: [insert problem you solve]

Culprit: [insert thing your positioning against]

Solution: [insert your solution]

Email it to justen [@]

Look forward to hearing from you.


AUTHOR: Justen Miller

Have you ever expressed yourself in a way where the people around you came alive in some way? That's what moves my life. I love seeing people come alive while giving them a simpler, more joyful perspective on life and business. That's what this newsletter is all about.

Thanks for reading!

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