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019 - 5 Stages Of Highly Profitable Offers

Learn how Drew went from nothing to multiple 6-figures a year in profit.

Imagine waking up every month KNOWING that your online advice-based business was going to bring in at least $15k.

All without lifting a finger.

No sales needed.

Where you can focus on doing the things you love to do most. Whether that's spending time with family, building your community, or traveling.

I know, right now, this may seem like a pipe dream.

And a couple years ago, for Drew, it was as well.

However, today, that's his reality.

The question is, how did he get there?

And, how can you do the same?

Before I break down the journey, you must know something.

While success can seem to come "suddenly", there are things that happened beforehand that set up the "suddenly".

Take Jesus' ministry.

Between age 12 to 30, there is no Biblical account of what Jesus was doing.

I believe He was learning & practicing walking in miracle working power.

Think about it. How did His mom know He could turn water into wine IF He hadn't been practicing?

Learning and practicing a valuable skill created "SUDDEN" success.

The moment Jesus turned water into wine, His ministry grew very SUDDENLY.

Let's break down the evolution of a widely successful advice-based offer.

STAGE 1: Personal Experience

This is where you identify a problem or desire in your own life and go through a process of exploring how to solve it for yourself.

For Drew, he struggled with pornography addiction. This took him on a journey to find freedom for himself.

He explored his options and tried all kinds of things until he got his breakthrough.

STAGE 2: Helping Others

This is where you have a desire to help others experience the same thing you experienced.

So, you start helping people in a small intimate setting, usually one-on-one. Sometimes in a small group of people.

Jesus started with the 12. They knew him and were learning from Him before He started His ministry.

For Drew, He started coaching men one-on-one.

As he did, he learned how to actually help someone walk in transformation, just like he had experienced for himself.

With experience, he developed & refined his own process to helping people.

For you, it might look like one-on-one coaching or a service you provide to people.

STAGE 3: Scalable BETA 

Since you know your process well, you decide to make it available to more people.

This is where Jesus moved from walking with His 12 disciples to teaching the masses.

For Drew, he pre-sold a BETA version of a more scalable version of his process.

This offer included a 12 week course guiding people through process, a community that supported and walked with each other, and weekly group coaching calls helping people break through barriers.

As he delivered the initial BETA version, he learned a lot on how to transform lives at scale.

STAGE 4: Optimized & Systemized

This is where you take what you learn from the BETA version of your offer and start filling in the gaps and systemizing the process.

You might redo some videos, add in more robust tools, and so forth.

Plus, you can add automation & outsource different elements to make delivery easier.

For Jesus, he sent out 72 of his new-found disciples two by two, being able to reach a much bigger area than he could do by Himself.

He systemized the process.

Drew brought in people to help with coaching and support, redid some of his videos, and added more helpful tools.

STAGE 5: Exponential Growth

After you've systemized & optimized everything, you simply need run the system and let it grow.

In this, your focus becomes on exponentially building your audience.

You do this through a robust content system, advertisements, and through your own affiliate program.

As you do, your business will start growing in leaps and bounds.

It will become basically unstoppable.

That's essentially where Drew is at right now.

Without doing much, his business is growing year over year.

In 2023, he's on pace to do over $300k in profit.

A simple business that is naturally expanding.

In the same way, the message that Jesus shared had exponential growth after His death and resurrection.

The disciples took it everywhere.


By following this journey, you'll find yourself in the same place as Drew currently is.

You'll have a business that:

  • Transforms Lives At Scale - where a high percentage of students get lasting results.
  • Produces Recurring Revenue - that you can count on month after month.
  • Runs Almost By Itself - since it's systemized & optimized.
  • Fulfills You At A Deep Level - since you're doing something valuable that you enjoy.

I specifically help Spirit-Led believers design, launch, and grow such businesses. 

Currently, we're in the process of building out our own systemized journey for helping you.


AUTHOR: Justen Miller

Have you ever expressed yourself in a way where the people around you came alive in some way? That's what moves my life. I love seeing people come alive while giving them a simpler, more joyful perspective on life and business. That's what this newsletter is all about.

Thanks for reading!

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