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017 - Is Success A Faith Problem? 

The journey from mental struggle to mental stability and growth. 

I used to self-sabotage. And I still do sometimes.

Every time I'd get close to my image of "success" something within me would decide it wasn't going to happen.

Then, I'd disappear into a hole of despair.

Why was this?

It was because, I believed deep within me that things were bound to go wrong.

And because I believed it, I MADE things go wrong.

You see, at its core, FAITH produces works.

Whether that faith is in something "good" or something "bad".

It started with an internal belief that good things wouldn't happen for me. That, "I couldn't actually be successful".

Then, it grew to me neglecting clients and those around me. CAUSING the internal belief I had to become true.

And the interesting thing was, it didn't matter whether I was good at the thing I was doing or not.

My lack of success wasn't a lack of skill.

It was a lack of belief.

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7)

I didn't think much of myself.

And NO matter what framework I followed or strategy I tried, the results were the same.

Simply put, if you're struggling in your business, it's MOST likely a belief (faith) problem. Not an action problem.

Chances are your beliefs are KEEPING you from taking action.

By changing your beliefs, you change your actions. Your actions change your life.

It's kind of cliche. But, also very true.

The question is, HOW do we do that as BELIEVERS?

Here's what has (and is) helping me:

1. Become Aware

First, you MUST have an awareness (from curiosity instead of judgement) of the actual beliefs you have.

At your core, what do you actually believe about being successful?

Do you think it's impossible?

Do you think it's hard?

Do you think it's all based on your effort to make it happen?

Take time and ask GOD what beliefs you have about success that AREN'T from Him.

Find the beliefs that don't serve you.

2. Seek The Truth

Now, that we know the beliefs, it's VERY important that we identify the TRUTH about these beliefs.

The truth is what GOD says about it.

What does HE think about the belief you are struggling with?

What is HIS truth about it?

For example, if you find that a limiting belief you have is that "success is based solely on my ability to create it", you might find that God says "I am the one who makes you successful".

His burden is LIGHT and His yoke is EASY.

3. Know The Truth

Finally, you MUST become "intimately" familiar with the truth.

You must KNOW it to be true in your very being.

How do we do this?

Through repetition.

We remind ourselves daily of God's truth.

Not just through affirmations.

We must envision it. Play with it.


The way I do this is through meditation. This is where I take the statement of truth, expand on it in my mind, then see the reality of it happening in every area of my life.

For example. Take the belief that "God makes me successful". That He works all things together for good. That He's working behind the scenes setting up blessings for me. That goodness chases me down.

I picture it.

What does it look like for goodness to chase me down?

What does it look like for God to be setting all things up?

That HE is bringing the clients to me. That He is putting the articles I'm writing with Him to the right people at the right time. That He is promoting me.


Now, the belief statement has become MUCH more than just a thing that is "cool to say".

I've seen it happen in my mind's eye.

And, now I believe it.

My faith has shifted.


When I started becoming intimately familiar with the TRUTH that God is the provider and HE set things up for me, here's what happened.

1. Clients who I hadn't worked with for years, reached out to me wanting to work with me.

2. I ended up meeting and becoming business partners with someone who is a perfect fit.

3. Connections that seem almost impossible came to be without me lifting a finger.

By trusting God and looking to HIS truth, it changed HOW I thought, then success started to happen WITHOUT me really doing anything.

What beliefs are you going to let go of today?


AUTHOR: Justen Miller

Have you ever expressed yourself in a way where the people around you came alive in some way? That's what moves my life. I love seeing people come alive while giving them a simpler, more joyful perspective on life and business. That's what this newsletter is all about.

Thanks for reading!

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