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011 - Taking Your Promised Land

To enjoy the blessings of God you can't stay a slave in Egypt.

God had a plan for the Israelites.

He promised them a land flowing with milk and honey.

But, they were still slaves in Egypt.

The land of milk and honey seemed impossible.

Like it was only a pipe dream.

However, by following God's lead, they ended up occupying their promised land.

Not only occupying it, but becoming VERY WEALTHY in it.

That's what today is all about.

It's about you being able to step into your promised land without making the MISTAKES that Israel made along the way.

Like spending 40 years wandering around the wilderness.

There are 5 essential steps for you to take your promised land, to build the business and life that GOD has dreamed for you.

One that is prosperous in every way.

#1 - Get Your God Vision

Moses had a calling and a dream. To set the Israelites free from slavery in Egypt.

He had a vision of a promised land.

You see, it all starts with that.

You must have a vision of the land God wants you to take over.

What does that land look like?

Where is God calling you to?

What does He want to give to you in your business?

Spend time with Him to get that vision.

Without a vision, Moses would have never petitioned the Pharaoh to let the people go.

And Pharaoh would have never caved in (after the plagues).

You have to start with a VISION and a believe in it, even when it seems only like a pipe dream.

#2 - Believe That God Will Take You Through

When the Israelites finally had permission to go out into the wilderness to worship their God, they took off.

That was their plan all along.

But, they found themselves between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army.

What had seemed possible, now seemed impossible.

But, GOD gave Moses the dream and command. And if God says it, He will make a way through the impossible.

For Moses God parted the Red Sea.

He'll do the same for you, if you simply start taking steps toward your vision with faith.

It will unlock miracles for you.

Maybe you've encountered your own Red Sea and Egyptian army.

Maybe your promised land seems impossible.

That's alright.

Trust God to part the Sea.

We have to continue to BELIEVE for our VISION or we'll give up before we even get started.

Start reminding yourself daily.

#3 - Assess The Land So You Can Take The Territory

When the Israelites finally got to their promised land, they assessed the land to see what was there.

It was a land as they had dreamed about, overflowing with wealth.

Bundles of grapes so big two people had to carry them.

However, on that land was also giants.

And, the Israelites fell victim to their fears about the giants. They stopped believing that God would take them through.

Therefore, God destined them to wander the wilderness for 40 years.

For you, it's important to assess the land.

To see where your ideal audience is, and what they are longing for.

However, as you do, you'll find some giants that occupy the land.

When you find the giants which may be things that you're afraid of doing or people that you'll be going against in the marketplace, you'll have a choice.

Either you can let fear overtake you, and go back to the wilderness.

Or you can trust God's leading when He tells you to take the land.

The Israelites chose not to trust.

Don't make the same mistake. Yet, if you do, KNOW that God can bring out out of the wilderness very quickly. You simply need to LET go of the fear within you that controlled you.

This is why the Israelites had to stay for 40 years.

The generation that was afraid passed away.

So, assess the land to see how you can take it and let the giants of fear die within you instead of keep you stuck in the wilderness.

#4 - Take The Land One Step At A Time

The Israelites didn't take the promised land all at once. They took it CITY BY CITY.

And they did it by following God's instruction.

First was Jericho.

God told them to walk around the city for 7 days and then, on the last day to walk around 7 times.

On the outside, it didn't make sense.

But, they listened and the city fell.

In the same way you must BE FOCUSED as you take your promised land.

One city at a time.

Not all at once.

Then, follow God's instructions, even when they don't make sense right away.

I guarantee the cities will start falling.

Don't give up before it's finished. Otherwise you'll lose ground and be kicked out of the land that you have established.

This takes perseverance.

It takes continued reminders of our vision.

It takes discipline to stay the course and continue taking the land.

You need a strategy & a plan of action.

Seek God to find it. He'll give it to you.

Before you know it, you'll have taken the promised land.

#5 - Enjoy The Milk & Honey

Finally, after staying the course and taking the land, you get to enjoy the riches of the land that overflows with milk and honey.

In this stage, you get to be a KING (or QUEEN) that other nations visit out for advice.

Like King Solomon.

He was the richest man to ever live.

Israel had taken the promised land and built their home on it.

Do the same.

Make your home.

Then, enjoy the wealth of God's blessings.

As you do, follow the leading of God in how to use that wealth to serve the people and to grow your borders.

He'll show you how.

However, beware of the same trap that King Solomon fell into.

It's the trap of compromise.

Don't compromise with your blessings.

When Solomon compromised with who he ended up marrying, his kingdom was lost... along with his wealth.

The key to all this is to stay tight with God.

Just as He guided you to take the land, He'll guide you with what to do to be a blessing to the nations with your wealth.

Don't compromise and you'll enjoy the promised land for generations to come.

The Conclusion

God gave the Israelites His best. Yet, it would have never happened had they not risked everything to leave Egypt.

He also wants to give you His best.

Yet, sometimes we stay stuck in our distractions. We choose to be enslaved instead of free.

We must let go of those things and start believing God for what He has.

Take the land He has for you.


AUTHOR: Justen Miller

Have you ever expressed yourself in a way where the people around you came alive in some way? That's what moves my life. I love seeing people come alive while giving them a simpler, more joyful perspective on life and business. That's what this newsletter is all about.

Thanks for reading!

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