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010 - How To Build Consistent Revenue

Leave "roller-coaster" revenue behind for good with these three elements.

I remember my first $15,000 month.

The excitement, thinking I had finally made it.

However, the next month, I did a whooping $2,000.

The month after that was no different.

What was exciting turned into frustration. Worry & anxiety started creeping in.

Way too often this is the reality of running a coaching or consultant business.

We break a high record one month simply to break a low record the next.

You can't depend on it.

It controls you.

So, today, I'm going to show you what you need to have more consistent revenue month after month.

#1 - A Recurring OFFER
A couple years ago, I helped one of my clients build an online course with no backend offer.

So, to make money WE had to sell that course.

And for a while we did well.

We were averaging about $15k in sales every month.

However, that's when our ad costs more than doubled.

Suddenly, what had been profitable, became unprofitable.

We had to regroup.

Learning my lesson, for my next client, we built a community around his course and sold it as a monthly membership.

This past 30 days he has done $18,068 in sales from that membership. All of it recurring revenue.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if ads triple in cost or we lose all of our traffic.

He'll still make close to the same amount.

So, first things first, if you want consistent revenue, you MUST create an offer that has recurring revenue built in.

Either an upfront membership like my client did, a backend membership that follows a 6-week course, or clients that pay a monthly retainer.

#2 - Consistent EMAILS
You ever join a newsletter and you get very sporadic emails.

Two emails one week. Then, zero for a whole month.

Then, another email.

There's no flow to them.

No connection. And before you know it, you kind of forget about the person.

You give up on them.

Instead, it's very IMPORTANT to have a consistent email that goes out weekly that your audience loves to receive.

This email can be a Newsletter (like this one), or it can be connected to a podcast episode.

The key to the podcast idea (a QUICK TIP for you) - Break down the main points of the podcast in the email, so people get value WITHOUT having to leave their email.

It needs to be consistent (something people can expect).

And, it needs to be valuable (something people look forward to receiving).

This builds rapport.

And, if you add #3 (below), you can add it at the bottom of each email, leading subscribers to becoming clients.

#3 - A Simple SYSTEM
Another reason revenue isn't consistent is because we don't have a simple, systemized approach to our marketing.

That was another issue that a client had.

He always trying to build something new to try and get clients, instead of have ONE simple system that he could fill whenever he wanted clients.

When I started working with him, we built him that system.

It had the following 4 steps:

1. Listen to my Podcast

2. Join my free Community

3. Watch my free Mini-Course

4. Join HMA (my membership)

That's it.

Very simple.

People knew exactly what to do and where to go. And, by focusing on one system, he was able to improve each part until nobody could compete with him.

His system is too strong.

Therefore, every year his income exponentially grows, and his system hasn't changed in 3 years.

The Conclusion

Using these three core elements will have you earning consistent revenue that will continue to grow year after year.

However, you have to start with one.

Your most powerful one will be a systematic approach to attracting leads and transforming them into customers.

That's what I always have clients start with.

A basic version that we can optimize later. 


AUTHOR: Justen Miller

Have you ever expressed yourself in a way where the people around you came alive in some way? That's what moves my life. I love seeing people come alive while giving them a simpler, more joyful perspective on life and business. That's what this newsletter is all about.

Thanks for reading!

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