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006 - Your 3-FOLD Purpose

Discover the 3 layers of purpose that God has created you for.

When purpose is clear, how we show up in life and what we accomplish FLOWS from us.

If it isn't clear, then there is chaos.

It's a chaos where you constantly "feel" off... like you're missing something.

Today, I want to provide order in your chaos by helping you step into your 3-FOLD purpose.

Most people mess up the foundation of their purpose, therefore everything they build off of that is out of order.

By knowing your 3-FOLD purpose, you'll create order in your life.

So, let's dig into it.



Your core purpose is the ONE core belief that drives your life. For many, it's a purpose driven by performance.

It states that if they don't perform a certain way, they are worthless.

This is a core purpose that produces results that NEVER feel like enough.

However, let's make it simple.

Your core purpose is NOT to perform.

Your core purpose is to BE LOVED by God.


If you did nothing else in life, but sit with God and LET Him love you, your core purpose would be fulfilled.

In fact, YOU would feel fulfilled because that is the core REASON you were created.

To be loved.

This is the foundation and until we get that, everything else will feel forced.

Once we do get it, we get to live FROM satisfaction and everything flows.

If you're reading this and you DON'T FEEL loved by God, forget everything else in life and learn to sit and be loved.

Take as long as you need.

Nothing else matters more than this.

After you have a solid core purpose, from that comes your...



Your personal purpose is the ONE thing you feel deeply called to in your life.

Something that will never change.

It's usually connected with something that a) you're good at, b) makes you come alive, and c) affects people in a positive way.

For me, it has to do with using words (speaking & writing) to bring revelation to people.

Ultimately, I love breaking people's boxes of understanding so they can come alive in their own ways.

I'm good at it.

It makes me come alive.

And it affects people in a positive way.

Plus, I've had MANY visions and prophetic words about it.

After you've accepted the fact that you're loved (core purpose), and you don't EVER have to perform for your personal purpose, sit down and write out a personal purpose statement.

Have some fun with it.

Make it your own.

Mine is something like this: I'm a Joyful Lover that helps people come alive through words that are laden with the presence of God, giving them revelation and understanding for all areas of their life.



Your professional purpose is the purpose that you're called to right now in your business.

It should come from your personal purpose, but is timely for what you want to create professionally.

This is something that becomes clear as you DREAM with God for it.

For me right now, it's to help make marketing and sales more relational and transformational online (instead of icky and manipulative).

It goes off of my personal purpose, as I'm using teaching, coaching, and writing to share systems and strategies for online businesses that makes them come more alive than ever.

Everything I do in business goes off of this professional purpose.

I share stories, write newsletters, do live training... all to bring about change in how we do marketing online.

For you, what are you specifically called to right NOW in your business?

Dream and write out your Professional Purpose Statement.

The Conclusion

When we know our Core Purpose, then our Personal Purpose becomes highlighted and natural.

From that comes our timely Professional Purpose.

If you struggle with any one of these, you may need to go back to the purpose before that and get SUPER clear.

Most of the issues come because we do not yet know our Core Purpose of being loved.

If that's the case, don't judge yourself for that.

Simply create a space for you to seek out the love of God. Let His love wash over you.

Then, the rest will fall into place.


AUTHOR: Justen Miller

Have you ever expressed yourself in a way where the people around you came alive in some way? That's what moves my life. I love seeing people come alive while giving them a simpler, more joyful perspective on life and business. That's what this newsletter is all about.

Thanks for reading!

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